Implementation of the Metro City Wholesale Price Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Implementation of the Metro City Wholesale Price Survey

Implementation of the Metro City Wholesale Price Survey

December 4, 2024 | BPS Activities

A wholesale trade survey was conducted in Metro City on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, covering eight respondents from various sectors. The survey successfully enumerated all respondents consisting of businesses in the wholesale of vegetables, processed wood, basic necessities, and shallots. The enumeration activity aimed to get a picture of the condition of wholesale trade in Metro City and understand the challenges faced by businesses in maintaining price and supply stability.

The survey results show that the wholesale vegetable trade often faces price fluctuations. This is due to the influence of supplies from other regions that also produce similar vegetables. Dependence on external supply is the main factor affecting price stability. Meanwhile, the processed wood trade is highly dependent on the price of oil as a transportation fuel, so changes in oil prices have a direct impact on operational costs.

The basic food trade shows a dependence on consumer interest, with prices tending to rise near major holidays due to increased demand. On the other hand, the shallot trade shows significant dependence on supplies from other producing regions, making businesses vulnerable to logistical disruptions or changes in production in the region.

This survey is an important step in understanding the condition of wholesale trade in Metro City. The results are expected to serve as a reference for the government and other stakeholders.


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